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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Quantum antenna hypothesis.cmap, QUANTUM ANTENNA HYPOTHESIS 3. The hierarchy of Planck constants h_eff=n×h has interpretation in terms of non-determinism of Kähler action and would give rise to dark MEs and dark photons crucial in li- ving matter. a) 3-surfaces at two boundaries of CD are connected by n space-time surfaces co-inciding at their ends at boundaries of CDs. This means in case of MEs MEs which have n sheets. b) Actually the weak form of elec- tric-magnetic duality as boundary conditions does not allow real boun- daries so that one havelocally 2- fold coverings of M^4 for 3-surfa- ces. For MEs they are possible. The analogy is sphere as compared to disc. c) Wormhole contacts with Kähler magnetic monopole flux flowing through them connected these two MEs. Of course, the other space- time sheet can be also magnetic flux tube and the pair in question would be many-sheeted microsco- pic counterpart of Alfwen wave in Maxwell's theory., QUANTUM ANTENNA HYPOTHESIS 1. So called massless extremals (MEs) serve as motivation for the model. a) MEs or topological light rays serve as space-time correlates for radiation above elementary partic- le scales. They are extremely ge- neral class of extremals of Käh- ler action expressible as graphs of maps M^4→CP_2 and have Minkowskian signature of induced metric. b) Simplest MEs are characterized by local light-like direction vector k (light-like momentum) defining plane M^2 and polariza- tion vector epsilon is in plane orthogonal to M^2. CP_2 coordina- tes are arbitrary, possibly many- valued, functions of these two coordinates. c) I have proposed that also more general solutions for which k is replaced with varying local light- like direction and polarization vector with local light-like direction orthogonal to the local sub-space M^2(x) are solutions. The two co- ordinates are obtained from these by integrating. This requires that Frobenius integrability conditions are satisfied. A very large class of preferred ex tremals represent- able as graphs M^4→CP_2 might decompose to this kind of regions. Magnetic flux tubes would not have this decomposition. d) I have proposed that these co- ordinates define what I have cal- led Hamilton-Jacobi structure in M^4 generalizing the notion of complex structure to Minkowskian signature, QUANTUM ANTENNA HYPOTHESIS 2. MEs have nice physical properties: a) They describe propagating of classical field modes characteri- zed by polartization vector ortho- gonal to the direction of light-like vector with light-velocity. In the general case the direction of ve- locity can vary as also the directi- on of polarization vector. One ex- pects that this kind of solutions are appropriate in many-sheeted situation when sheets are connec ted by wormhole contacts and in- teract. The natural interpre-tation is as massless modes or as space- time correlates of massless partic- les. b) There is superposition in the direction of light-like vector and but with same polarization direc- tion only. Only waves with defi- nite chirality/photons are super- posed so that pulse shape is pre- served and no dispersion occurs. This is very much like state after state function reduction measuring momentum and polarization for a state of radiation field. Classical TGD thus mimics some aspects of quantum theory. c) MEs are ideal for precisely tar- geted communication of informati- on without change in the pulse shape and loss of intensity of sig- nal with distance. Laser beam ser- ves as analogy for MEs. In Max- wellian electrodynamics only untargeted radiation with intensi- ty decreasing like 1/r^2 is possib- le., QUANTUM ANTENNA HYPOTHESIS 4. * Remote metabolism by sending nega- tive energy signals to system analogous topopulation inverted laser would make instantaneous reaction to sensory input possible. d) Josephson radiation from generalized Josephson junctions at cell membrane would communicate local sensory data (nerve pulses transform data from ex- ternal world to local data) represented by variations of membrane potential, also those induced by nerve pulse. Va- riation of membrane potential defines frequency modulation which is small (below 10 per cent) as compared to the main part of generalized Josephson energy involving also the difference of cyclotron energies. e) Dark cyclotron radiation from mag- netic body transformed to bio-photons would perform bio-control. Its energy range is in visible and UV characteristic for molecular transitions so that the control of biochemistry is possible. f) Microtubules (MTs) are excellent candidates for quantum antennas. They are constantly varying their length and the frequency variation of the radiation send associated with (say) ME in parallel with the microtubule could define coding of information to "whale's song". The natural question is whether the frequency variations of membrane potential manifested in EEG correlate strongly with the frequency variations due to variation of MT length., QUANTUM ANTENNA HYPOTHESIS 3. The hierarchy of Planck constants h_eff=n×h has interpretation in terms of non-determinism of Kähler action and would give rise to dark MEs and dark photons crucial in li- ving matter. a) 3-surfaces at two boundaries of CD are connected by n space-time surfaces co-inciding at their ends at boundaries of CDs. This means in case of MEs MEs which have n sheets. b) Actually the weak form of elec- tric-magnetic duality as boundary conditions does not allow real boun- daries so that one havelocally 2- fold coverings of M^4 for 3-surfa- ces. For MEs they are possible. The analogy is sphere as compared to disc. c) Wormhole contacts with Kähler magnetic monopole flux flowing through them connected these two MEs. Of course, the other space- time sheet can be also magnetic flux tube and the pair in question would be many-sheeted microsco- pic counterpart of Alfwen wave in Maxwell's theory., QUANTUM ANTENNA HYPOTHESIS 4. Dark MEs provide an ideal realization for EEG as communication from biological body (BB) to magnetic body (MB) and as control of BB by MB. a) Frequency modulation by varying slow- ly the length of quantum antenna emit- ting MEs provides a possible coding of in- formation. Also Josephson radiation fom cell membrane codes information by frequ- ency modulation: "whale's song". b) Resonant interaction makes cyclotron frequencies to act like passwords. Collec- tion of cyclotron frequencies specifies the sender and receiver in the first approxima- tion. If MEs and flux tubes form pairs then reconnection is necessary pre-requisite for communication and occurs only if local magnetic fields and thus cyclotron frequen- ciesfor same h_eff are identical. One can think that magnetic bodies are scanning all the time for possible presence of other objects by varying the flux tube thickness and when reconnection occurs, an elemen- tary variant of directed attention takes place. c) Zero energy ontology allows to consider several basic mechanisms based on reso- nance mechanism of communication and control. * Communication would take place via po- sitive energy signals to future. * Memory recall would involve negative energy signals to geometric past and res- ponse as positive energy signals and would be "seeing" in time direction. * Motor actions would be involve negative energy signals to the geometric past initia- ting the motor action in geometric past. Libet's findings support this view.